Unique Views 2008

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Unique Views of Huntsville is a juried show for Huntsville Art League members at the Huntsville Museum of Art.  An artist may enter any number of works, but only four, maximum, will be selected by a single artist.  I submitted five works and four were selected for the 2008 show, held at HMOA from September 12 to September 21, 2008.  The selected pieces are shown below.

Huntsville: Art, Science, and Industry

The Huntsville Community Chorus Chamber Chorale was performing at the Huntsville Museum of Art during the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit when I saw this juxtaposition of Bill y Orton, the director, with elements of the exhibit, including the Vitruvian Man.  To me, this image uniquely describes the qualities that define Huntsville : Art, Science, and Industry.

Jewels in the Grass

As I looked out my back window one morning last summer, I saw what appeared to be jewels sparkling on the lawn.  A closer examination revealed a spider’s web glistening with drops of morning dew.  The vision was ephemeral, however, as the dewdrop jewels soon evaporated under Huntsville ’s relentless sun.

Saint Francis

Although statues of St. Francis abound throughout the world, this one, situated in the courtyard of Church of the Nativity, Episcopal, is unique to Huntsville not only by its location but also because it was sculpted locally by Glen n Dasher, Dean of Liberal Arts and Professor of Art at UAHuntsville.

The Purple Doors

For 150 years, the steeple of First United Methodist Church has graced the downtown skyline.  In that time, it has been the subject of many a painting and photograph.  The unique angle of this image emphasizes the message of the steeple, thrusting heavenward as a constant reminder to the people.

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